photo by Elle Naef
The Gift of Jazz welcomes back
the Chie Imaizumi Little Big Band
feat. Randy Brecker with Greg Gisbert
September 27th & 28th!
Wednesday, Sep 27, 6:30 PM SOLD OUT
Wednesday, Sep 27, 9:00 PM - https://giftofjazz.org/performances/#/events/83837
Thursday, Sept 28, 6:30 PM SOLD OUT
Thursday, Sept 28, 9:00 PM - https://giftofjazz.org/performances/#/events/83781
A two-night, four show reunion show with Chie Imaizumi, Randy Brecker,
and Greg Gisbert at Dazzle at the Denver Performing Arts Complex!
Please go to Gift of Jazz's website to purchase your ticket(s)!
September 26, 2023 3:30pm MDT
Live Interview with Kim Berry. Please tune in at 3:30pm MDT!
August 31, 2023 10:00pm -12:00am MDT
Recorded Interview with Rodger Hara
August 13, 2023
Tickets on sale August 20th
December 23, 2022
I had the privilege of working with Music Supervisor Maureen Crowe, as an Orchestrator on the Whitney Houston biopic, "I Wanna Dance with Somebody"
February 24, 2022
Guest Artist - Zoom visit with Dr. Damani Phillips' JCL band. Spotlight on Women Composers Concert
I had the privilege of preparing the music for many of the presenters and performers for the 44th Kennedy Center Honors, under the direction of the wonderful Diane Louie.
This year's broadcast celebrated lifetime artistic achievements of stage and screen star Bette Midler, most recently on Broadway in a Tony-winning turn as Dolly Gallagher Levi in the revival of Hello, Dolly!; operatic bass-baritone Justino Díaz; Motown founder, songwriter, producer, and director Berry Gordy; Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels; and singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell.
December 12, 2021
I had the privilege of working with Music Supervisor, Maureen Crowe, on the Whitney Houston biopic, "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" which is expected to be released at the end of 2022. I also worked on Jennifer Lopez’s soon-to-be released project. For the 44th Annual Kennedy Center Honors, worked on the music for many of the presenters and performers like Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey and Bette Midler. In October I was involved with preparing the music for Keep Memory Alive’s 25th Power of Love gala which included performances by Smokey Robinson and Babyface. I am currently helping John Clayton with music preparation for the Jazz Cruise 2022.

Zoom Music Recital 2021
December 12, 2021 4-5pm(PST)
September 18th 2021
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it's quite the opposite.
I had the honor of being a guest speaker for Dr. Sara Graef's " Women in Music " class at California State University Los Angeles this past Thursday. I shared my professional experiences as a female in the music industry.
Dr. Graef also encouraged me, if I felt comfortable, to share difficult experiences such as harassment, discrimination, and racism.
There were times when I struggled with these incidents that I felt ashamed; this happened because I'm too nice(aka didn't know how to say no), because...
June 28th, 2021
We did it. Total of 15 songs, all arranged by John Clayton,
assisted by yours truly.
When we were in the studio this past weekend, almost 50 musicians played together to create this music. I was so emotional, tears running down my cheeks many times, trying not to lose it. That special feeling, words can't describe, if you are a musician/writer/music prep person, you know the feeling I am talking about, right?
Music is so amazing, so soothing to the heart and soul. It's a wonderful feeling.
Zoom Music Recital
December 20, 2020
Covidでエンターテイメント業界も大打撃を受け、先を見通しづらいこのような状況の中で今自分にできることは何か。そう思い、はじめたZoomでの授業。クライアントさんからのリクエストに応えるべく、先週日曜日にZoomコンサートを開催。何もかもが初めての試みすぎて超大変でしたが、生徒さんのお友達やご近所さん、遠方に住まれているご家族などたっくさんの方々にお集まりいただいて、皆さんの 純粋な 笑顔 を見ていたら感動して涙が出ました。私はただのMCでズームのハウスキーピングをしていただけなのに、終わった後の達成感は自分のコンサートが終わった時のと似ていて、不思議な感覚でした。音楽の力ってやばいよマジで本当にすごい。これからも、これも何かいい方向にシフトするチャンスだと肝に銘じて、日々修行していこうと自分に誓った日になりました。ちゃんちゃん🎵
I was reminded yet again of the healing power of music as everyone involved laughed and clapped in support of one another. Music is where I am and always need to be.

November 20th, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Mark your calendars! This Friday, Nov. 20th at 5 pm PST is our online Alone Together Showcase, featuring a wide range of media. Join us for a celebration of inspiring projects and material created during our socially distant times.
November 5th 2020
a 30min rehearsal and a 30-45min Q&A with students, working with their group remotely